Interactive market reports with 12 months of data
Stay up-to-date with the real estate market in your community. Sign up for free real estate market reports, sent directly to your inbox every month. Get all the latest data for Calgary home prices in your area. The market reports feature interactive maps and graphs that are customized for your community and include the following information:
- Original listing prices and sold prices
- Number of new properties and total properties listed
- Days on the market
The reports are available for all communities in Calgary and there are reports for detached houses, attached houses, condos and townhomes.
If you are thinking about selling your home, monthly market reports are an invaluable resource.

Preview a free monthly market report
Here is a preview of a market report for Valley Ridge. Your market report will be interactive and customized for property type (detached, attached, townhomes or condos) and your Calgary community.